Perfect Healing Crystals, Crystal Healing for Sale: 8 Crystals That Will Boost Your Energy

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Crystals are used in almost every technological object in the modern world, from mobile phones to satellites. Colleen McCann, a licensed shamanic energy medicine practitioner, believes that both the science and mystical aspects of crystals are significant. McCann has traveled the globe to study crystal practices through cultures and history, having previously worked as a fashion stylist (her passion for beautiful objects is instantly evident when you see her working with crystals). She now splits her time between the east and west coasts, offering crystal readings, room clearing and balancing, shamanic healing, and intuitive business coaching.

Inspired by a shaman's medicine kit, she breaks down the eight important crystals here. McCann cleanses each stone of any previous energy it may have held (more on a crystal's energy below) and infuses it with good intentions and blessings.

Colleen McCann answers questions about crystals.

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Why are crystals so strong, and how do they work?

This is the point at which science and mysticism collide: Crystals have existed for millions of years and were formed during the early stages of the earth's formation. Since crystals hold all of the information they have ever been exposed to, I think of them as a timeless archive of knowledge. Crystals absorb knowledge and pass it on to anyone who comes into contact with them, whether it's an extreme weather phenomenon or the memory of an ancient ritual.

Crystals are the most ordered form in nature, with the lowest amount of entropy, according to science (a measurement of disorder). Crystals are designed in such a way that they respond to all of the energies around them by oscillating and emitting specific vibrational frequencies. Crystals are important to modern technology because of the way they are balanced, the frequencies they emit, and their capacity to store a huge amount of data. This is why healing crystals can be used in computers, televisions, mobile phones, satellites, and other electronic devices.

Crystals have been used for funeral ceremonies, divination practices, healing rituals, spiritual development, and even simply as decoration to connote power since the beginning of time. Our forefathers intuitively understood that when stones were worn, their energies would interfere with the human electromagnetic field, causing energetic shifts. People are drawn to vortexes (places where energy enters or exits the earth's plane), such as Stonehenge and Sedona, since these ancient and huge magical rocks sit on top of energetic ley lines, effectively making them an energy gateway or place of control. People wear diamonds as a symbol of love (diamonds are the most indestructible natural material on the planet), and royals' crowns are adorned with healing crystals.

What criteria do you use to choose good crystal healing?

Each crystal form serves a different function, so it depends on your needs. Some stones are used in technology or as part of building structures, while others are used to heal the body or to tap intuition during meditation. (For the powers of eight distinct crystals, see below.)

That said, I meet vendors from all over the world on my travels, and I buy crystals from people I trust. Knowing the origins of a crystal is akin to knowing the origins of the meat you're consuming or ensuring that your engagement ring isn't a blood diamond. All has an energy, and you want your crystal to have the most optimistic, clean, and clear energies possible. I always ask crystal shop owners where they get their stones, how they harvest them, and if they know anything about the physical background of the stone I'm interested in. Most importantly, if a crystal is yours, it can communicate with you. The stone can become warm in your hand, cause tingling in your arm, or cause a third-eye buzz. When a stone is yours, trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel quite right, trust your instincts—not it's meant for you. If you believe a crystal is yours but it is physically dirty or simply requires an energetic wash, you can use the steps below to cleanse it.

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Is there a specific way to look after crystals?

On average, crystals on altars should be washed once a month. If you wear a crystal every day or meditate with one, you can clean it once a week. (Instructions are shown below.) Cleaning is important because it clears the crystal of any dense or stale energy it may have picked up from its surroundings or from you. It's the same as washing our faces to get rid of dirt and debris. If anyone else touches your crystal, which you don't want to happen, you'll need to clean it right away before wearing or using it again. People are drawn to stones because they are beautiful, gleaming, and brimming with your unique, glistening energy. Nobody should place their vibration or energy on a crystal that has become personally attuned to you. Consider this:

Will you share your mascara or your toothbrush?

You can clean stones in a variety of ways, including the ones mentioned below:

1. Bury them for a week in clay. When you return your crystals and stones to the earth, they will be cleansed and recharged by the earth's vibration.

2. Wash them in salt water: Salt absorbs negative energy and purifies it. (Note: When wet, some crystals disintegrate.) Amber, turquoise, red coral, fire opal, moonstone, calcite, kyanite, kunzite, angelite, azurite, and selenite are examples of stones that cannot be wet. A strong rule of thumb is that many stones with the suffix "ite" are not suitable for use in water.)

3. For three days before and three days after the full moon, leave the crystals out in the moonlight (or for at least 24 hours). The moon's light is brightest and energetically strongest during the full moon, which helps cleanse and charge the stones.

4. To clear fingerprints and sanitize, wipe them with a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol.

5. To purify the stone, burn sage and run it through the smoke.

What do you need to know about crystals?


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Superpowers are a type of strength.

This stone for the first chakra (the root) allows you to feel more grounded.

Homework that is Mystical

To help decompress and ground yourself at the end of the day, put black obsidian in your pillowcase, on your nightstand, or fall asleep with it in your hand.

Where Does It Come From?

In countries like the United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, Russia, New Zealand, Japan, and Kenya, there is a lot of volcanic activity.


Superpowers are a type of strength.

Carnelian, the second (sacral) chakra stone, is said to provide emotional support for female reproductive issues, encouraging girls at menarche and women of all ages to appreciate and honor their capacity to create life.

Homework that is Mystical

Carry your carnelian in the same bag as your tampons! Menstruation is regulated by lunar cycles, which explains the term "moontime" and why women used to bleed together in moon lodges. Keep the carnelian in your hand as soon as you can when PMS strikes. During that time of the month, lying down and placing carnelian on your abdomen can also be beneficial.

Where Does It Come From?

Brazil, Uruguay, India, Madagascar, and the United States are among the countries involved.


Superpowers are a type of strength.

Citrine, a stone of the third chakra, the body's energetic force core, catapults a woman into taking on a leadership role and making things happen in the workplace. It is linked to wealth and innovation. Citrine will help you stand in your personal strength, gain self-confidence, and set healthy boundaries in all areas of your life.

Homework that is Mystical

Citrine is an excellent choice for a thirty-day Abundance Altar: On your desk, place the citrine on top of a stack of clean, crisp $1 bills. (I do a hundred one-dollar bills.) The new bills signify that the money coming in has a new lease on life. (The word "dirty money" takes on a whole new meaning in this context.) Add other items to your altar, in addition to the citrine, that represent power and abundance to you. It may be a small statue of Goddess Lakshmi (the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity), a photograph of someone you admire in company, or a small money tree in the Chinese Buddhist Feng Shui tradition, as green represents money, prosperity, and development. After you've finished decorating your Abundance Altar, it's time to turn it on. Make this an occasion for a ceremony. To clear the air, light some sage or palo santo and spend some time in front of your altar visualizing what you want to call into your career. Thoughts have a lot of strength, and if we put positive energy behind them, we can manifest our desires much faster. You can also imagine when holding the money and citrine in your hands. For thirty days, repeat this ritual. (If you really want to go all out, everybody has a “success direction” in their Bagua Chart in Feng Shui.) Before you begin the thirty-day ritual, find your success path and place your Abundance Altar in that corner of your home.)

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Where Does It Come From?

Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, Argentina, Bolivia, France, Myanmar, Namibia, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Uruguay, and Zambia are among the countries that have signed the agreement.

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Superpowers are a type of strength.

The heart (fourth) chakra is activated by Rose Quartz, which encourages positive energy. It boosts all kinds of love, including self-love, love for others, and unconditional love. This tiny but powerful baby-pink marvel boosts self-esteem, restores morale, promotes emotional equilibrium, and relieves stress, anxiety, and frustration.

Homework that is Mystical

Rose quartz can be used to create a magical love spray: First, as described above, clean your rose quartz crystal with sage, sunlight, moonlight, or salt water. Place your rose quartz in a glass bowl filled with filtered water and place it in direct sunlight from dawn to dusk. Then, into a glass mister bottle, pour the crystal-charged water and add 22 drops of argan oil (jojoba or almond oil will also work) and 11 drops of rose oil. Give it a good shake and mist it on yourself if you need a boost in the love department. You'll benefit from the rose oil, which is super good for your skin, in addition to the positive vibes of rose quartz.

Where Does It Come From?

The United States, Germany, Brazil, Madagascar, and India are among the countries represented.


Superpowers are a type of strength.

The fifth chakra (throat) stone encourages grace, comfort, and faith in expressing one's reality.

Homework that is Mystical

Do you have a fear of speaking in front of a group? As a worry block, use lapis lazuli: When practicing your speech, the day of your speech, and when it's your time to speak, keep the stone in your left hand. Allow your worries to flow into the stone.

Where Does It Come From?

Brazil, Uruguay, India, Madagascar, and the United States are among the countries involved.


Superpowers are a type of strength.

Clear quartz, the master healer, is the seventh chakra stone (the crown of the head). Other crystals' powers, emotions, and vibrations are amplified by it. It allows you to communicate with your higher self, intuition, and spirit guides.

Where Does It Come From?
Brazil, the United States, the Swiss Alps, the Himalayas, Peru, and Madagascar are all places worth visiting.


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Superpowers are a type of strength.

Have you ever wondered why a large purple amethyst geode is often displayed in the corner of a crystal store? Amethyst clears a room of harmful energies and keeps "energy parasites" out of your personal space. The sixth (third eye) and seventh (crown) chakras are connected by amethyst: It is extremely high-vibrational (in addition to being extremely beautiful); it aids in intuition and connects us to higher planes of life.

Homework that is Mystical

Fill your water filter pitcher or bottle with amethyst and drink the water. Amethyst is fully healthy to consume (some crystals are NOT so please check a reliable source before ingesting gem water). Before putting your amethyst in water, make sure it's clean (see details above).

Where Does It Come From?

Brazil, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Siberia, Canada, India, Bolivia, Argentina, Zambia, and the United States are among the countries involved.


Superpowers are a type of strength.

Chrysocolla, also known as the Goddess Stone, is linked to the fourth (heart) and fifth (throat) chakras. Through good communication, self-expression, empowerment, and education, it assists women in embracing their divine feminine strength. While the mind is stimulated, the soothing effects cause reality and inner knowledge to come to the surface and be understood. It stresses the impact of our words and deeds on those around us, and it promotes compassion and character development. By improving analytical and intuitive skills, it brings wealth and eagle-eye discernment to company. Those who resonate with chrysocolla can feel its ancient energies and relation to ancestral wisdom practices, as it is the stone of goddesses, high priestesses, and medicine women all over the world.

Homework that is Mystical

It's time to put the goddess voice to work and show some love to help lift our collective vibration. Tell another woman how much you admire who she is or what she does every day for the next thirty days—or offer a long-overdue apology if necessary. Find a comfortable place to sit and keep your crystal in your right hand after you've talked to the woman (whether it's your mother, best friend, colleague, or stranger) (again, we send energy out of our right side). For a few minutes, visualize giving the woman extra positive energy. According to universal law, what you put out is what you get back, so if you're in need of some affection, the only thing you can do is give it to someone.

Where Does It Come From?

Israel, Zaire, Chile, England, Mexico, Peru, Russia, and the United States are among the countries involved.

* An earlier version of this story claimed that the benefits of carnelian are scientifically proven, when in fact, they are the opinions of carnelian fans. It also claimed that the product helps in the reduction of shame associated with female body parts and sexual trauma, which is also the opinion of some product fans.

Colleen McCann, a fashion stylist and energy practitioner, has studied profoundly ingrained spiritual practices and rituals, as well as beauty in various ways, all over the world. She is a licensed shamanic energy healing practitioner who now splits her time between Los Angeles and New York. She uses a mixture of crystals, color theory, chakra systems, astrology, naturopathy, and Feng Shui concepts in her work with clients to help them achieve a sense of harmony, health, and fullness.

The opinions expressed in this article are intended to bring attention to alternative research and spark debate. They are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect those of goop; they are provided for informative purposes only, even though and to the degree that this article contains medical advice. This article is not meant to be a replacement for licensed medical advice, diagnosis, or care, and should never be used as such.