Sage Near Me: How to Use Sage to Energetically Clear Your Room
Colleen McCann is an outspoken supporter of "spiritual grooming." She's an energy practitioner and shaman who specializes in clearing energy at home, mostly inside closets, a space she's familiar with having worked as a fashion stylist for many years. “With any business card I give out, I transfer on sage or Palo Santo,” McCann says. “We take care of our physical bodies with exercise, healthy eating, and skin care, so why shouldn't we do the same for our energetic bodies?” That's where the spiritual hygiene described earlier comes into play. Burn sage, or spraying it in some situations, is a safe way to wash and rinse out harmful energy. Sage is a traditional household instrument, like many other holistic healing practices that have gained popularity in recent years. However, several burners are unsure about what they're doing for it or what it's really doing with them and their environment.
“Sageing off on a daily basis will help keep your active body in check if you deal with a lot of people, in a position where you're dealing with different personalities a lot, shaking hands, traveling,” McCann says. She advises clients to be selective with their sageing activity, concentrating on the most heavily trafficked locations in their homes or workplaces. “You want to disperse the space and this is where people's energy gathers.”
“Eat, sleep, exercise, and sage!” McCann says plainly.
To follow in her footsteps, here's McCann's guide to getting sage into your home and office and maintaining good spiritual hygiene. Be dead, bad vibes.
Understand the past.
Burning sage is one of the oldest and purest ways to cleanse an individual, a group of people, or a vacuum, as well as to exorcise evil spirits. The technique dates back to ancient times, and it has been recorded as being used by our forefathers in every corner of the globe.
Recognize which sage to purchase.
“The sage you're looking for is known as 'California White Sage' or 'White Sage Smudge Stick.' In your kitchen, don't use ordinary sage. You want to buy sage that is of good quality and has been grown ethically. Both Shamans Market and Taos Herb are excellent shopping options. When purchasing sage online, I would suggest avoiding mass-market stores such as Amazon. Large commercial vendors are unconcerned about purchasing a high-quality, ethically sourced sacred and ceremonial item. Remember, the purpose and cultivation of this commodity are just as essential as purchasing organic food.”
Learn about the physics of smoke.
Simply placed, sage cleans the world of bacteria. Sage smoking has a high rate of transmission to the brain and a high rate of absorption in the body. Sage will kill up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria and clean the air, according to scientists. When sage is burnt, negative ions are released, which have been attributed to improving people's moods. The word cure is derived from the Latin word salvia, which means sage. When sage is burnt, it is often thought to have insight, clarity, and an increase in spiritual knowledge.
Open the doors or windows before lighting the fire.
Remember to open a door or window before lighting up, since the excess energy you're trying to clear has a way out. Why are you doing this? Let's have a look at a science lesson from eighth grade: Consider putting a lot of chemical compounds in a pot, sealing the lid, and shaking the jar. You've just started a chemical reaction, but the mixture has nowhere to go; as a result, the container can burst, break, or fail to complete its chemical reaction due to a lack of oxygen, being squeezed in a limited room, and being unable to change. This experiment is the same as opening the doors and windows in the room you're trying to empty, which is why I do it for my clients all the time. Whether you're trying to drive someone's poisonous energy out of your house after a dinner party, or after a long meeting in a conference room at work, or whether you think there's a spirit in your house, the energy has to go elsewhere.
Prepare for the fire.
When burning sage, people traditionally use an abalone shell to catch the sage and then a feather to fan and disperse the smoke across the room. If you're new to dealing with sage, sage kits are easy to come by online or in the nearest spiritual store. Because of their shape, abalone shells are ideal for walking around the room because they are easy to handle and can withstand the heat generated by the burning herbs. Remember, you're about to set everything on fire, so be sure you've got the right jar.
Carefully light it.
Grab the sage as far away from the end you're burning as possible when you're about to ignite it. Light the sage at a 45-degree angle, let it burn for about 20 seconds, and softly blow out the flame so that orange embers remain on one end. After that, you can begin the process of decluttering your bedroom. Clients sometimes express dissatisfaction with their sage's ability to remain lit. The oxygen can't get in properly if the sage package was packed too tightly when it was made, and the sage won't stay lit. Take the tip you're burning and smash it on a floor and give it some breathing space by loosening the cord around the sage. This keeps the sage from burning. If the light of the embers begins to fade, softly blow on the lit end, being careful not to send sage ash falling onto your clothing or carpet.
Consider your options.
When I'm in a no-smoke state, sage spray is my go-to solution. It's easy to transport and smells fantastic. When I'm in a hotel, I like to use this spray because it reminds myself of how many people's energy has been concentrated in only one room. No, no! Paper Crane Apothecary's is my favorite to use. It's called 'Clean Slate,' because it's a non-smoking spray. It contains sage oil, crystal essences, and Palo Santo oil, which is another herb that aids in space clearing. You can also use Palo Santo, sweetgrass, and copal if you don't like the scent of sage.
Burning Sage To Cleanse Your Space & Self Of Negativity (Smudging 101)
With the tumultuous existence of today's real world, the notion of purging negative energies from our spaces and ourselves seems tempting. Smudging, or the burning of sage, is the next step.
What are the advantages of sage burning?
Sage comes from the Latin word salvere, which means "to cure." It is a member of the Salvia plant family. According to Reshma Patel, PA-C, MMS, CEO and founder of Ananda Integrative Medicine, "aside from the spiritual uses of smudging, research is showing that sage can also be used to support physical, mental, and emotional well-being."
She cites a host of studies that indicate medicinal cigarettes including sage have potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, may enhance mood and memory, function as an insect repellent, and also improve sleep efficiency by calming insomnia.
Burning sage is also believed to protect against negativity and pollution spiritually. Consider it a clean slate for more positivity to penetrate the environment.
To burn sage, you'll need the following items.
There are a few things you'll need to get started with smudging if you're new to the sport. "Traditionally, people keep the sage in an abalone shell and then fan and scatter the smoke across the room with a feather until the sage is smoking," says Colleen McCann, a shamanic energy practitioner. "A sage kit can be found online or in the nearest mystical store if you're just getting started." (There are lots of cleaning smudge mist solutions available these days whether you're allergic to smoke or can't have smoke in a special room like your office.)
To summarize, you'll need the following to get started:
How to expel negative energies from your home by sage.
1. Gather your resources and devise a plan of action.
Before lighting up, make sure you have all of the above-mentioned equipment and that you've unlocked a door or window. After all, the negativity (not to mention the smoke) needs a way out.
2. Create an idea and recite a mantra.
Smudging is all about setting intentions, so think about what you're aiming to purify or release from your room before lighting the sage. Then, when saging, choose a mantra or prayer that encapsulates this purpose. "I let go and release what no longer fits myself," suggests Giselle Wasfie, doctor of Chinese medicine and founder of REMIX Acupuncture & Integrative Health, as an example.
3. Switch on the lights.
Keep the sage at a 45-degree angle, light it with a match or candle, and let it burn for wellnight 20 seconds until you're finished. After that, softly extinguish the blaze until only orange embers remain on one end. The smoke should be billowing out at this stage.
4. Take a slow walk through the room.
Enable the smoke to waft through your room as you slowly walk wellnight it. Allow the smoke—and the bad energy—to escape through open windows or a door. Wasfie advises paying particular attention to locations in front of mirrors, in corners, and in areas such as foyers, hallways, and doorways. "I'm still a great fan of mobile devices like phones and laptops. I normally wave the sage wand around them after keeping it beneath them.
5. Take precautions!
Still remain present while burning sage! If you see little embers falling to the ground, put them out right away. For whatever excuse, never leave the burning sage unattended. Even, be cautious not to inhale too much smoke." Although saging is a perfect way to remove residual and potentially negative energy from your apartment or workplace, licensed acupuncturist and accredited herbalist Irina Logman, L.Ac., MSTOM advises against inhaling it directly. "Smoke will dry out and irritate the mucosa in the lungs, which is a fragile organ."
6. Put out your sage.
When you're about to put out a sage smudge stick, tightly push the burning tip into a fireproof vessel, clay, or sand before the smoke stops rising. A word of advice: don't make it hot! "To put out the hot embers, don't use water—it would kill the tip of the stick and make it more difficult to light each time. When you're finished with the smudge stick, save it in a container before you're able to use it again "McCann agrees.
How to be your own sage.
If you want to sage yourself, you should basically follow the same steps as above, except instead of focusing on your room, you'll concentrate on your body. As if you're in the TSA line at the airport, form a T with your legs slightly extended. Work your way up from your knees, holding the sage stick at an arm's length away from you. When you walk, repeat your refrain (either silently or aloud), visualizing the smoke freeing you of any remaining negativity.
Until you start smudging, McCann suggests doing a little self-diagnosis to see which where you might need it the most. If you often shake hands, smudge your hands frequently, and if you talk all day at work, sage sub your neck frequently.
Again, avoid inhaling massive volumes of smoke directly, and keep the sage at a reasonable distance from the lungs. Draw your hair back into a bun if you have long hair. When you've done smudging, remember to put out the sage.
When it comes to smudging, how much do you do it?
When it comes to how much you can sage yourself or your rooms, there are no hard and fast rules. When it comes to detecting negative energies, we are our own best mentors, so trust your instincts. If you're feeling weighted down by fatigue or worry, it's normally a sign that you need to cleanse.
Where do I get sage?
As smudging becomes more common, the number of sage vendors that are overharvesting the plant has increased dramatically, so it's important to use sage that has been harvested sustainably. Pasqualini suggests doing some studies into how the sage is treated and packed. "The smudge stick should be deliberately prepared and treated with respect and thoughtfulness if it can be used for your energy clearing ritual," she says. Wasfie recommends Mountain Rose Herbs, which sells an ethically harvested smudge stick, and Logman gets hers from small shops run by Native Americans or locations with high moral values.
Since white sage is synonymous with purity, it's the most popular variation to use in a smudge stick. If sage isn't your thing, other dried plants like juniper, rosemary, and cedar can be used to clear energy.
A word on politely saging.
Last but not least, as Wasfie points out, sage burning is a religious ritual in many cultures and deserves our respect. The ancient ritual of cleansing oneself by burning dried sage has its origins in Native American culture. Shamans used sage to cleanse people of evil and encourage healing, wisdom, and immortality by burning it over a fire. It's something we can do with intent, respect, and profound gratitude to those who have gone before us.
The Advantages of Sage Burning
Are you interested in burning sage to increase the quality of the air in your household, enhance your health, or alleviate depression or anxiety? In traditional medicine, sage (Salvia) is used as a seasoning as well as a means to improve health.
Sage has been used in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine, as well as in Native American healing rituals, for thousands of years. Dry sage is burned to heal, defend, improve insight, and strengthen disease defenses.
Popular sage, white sage, Spanish sage, and Chinese sage are some of the most well-known sage varieties. Salvia officinalis is the botanical name for common sage.
Supplements containing sage have a number of advantages.
Dried sage leaves can be used as a seasoning in cooking. Sage is also available as a powder, mist, lozenge, pill, or tablet for internal use.
1.Sage's phenolic compounds can act as antioxidants, reducing free radicals.
2. Two compounds in sage, rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, are especially associated with an antioxidant effect.
Internal use of sage is said to have a number of advantages.
3. While some scientific evidence exists to support these benefits, it is still preliminary; further research is needed.
• Reducing oxidative stress in the body • Protecting against free radical damage • Reducing inflammation • Protecting against bacterial and viral infections • Supporting digestion • Protecting against memory loss
Sage as a Mental Health Aid
Overall, there hasn't been enough testing done on the use of sage and its alleged mental health effects. However, preliminary evidence suggests that the use of sage for mood and memory can be beneficial.
According to a 2005 report, common sage oil enhanced memory and comprehension (thinking ability). Increased dosages were also linked to improved mood and feelings of alertness, calmness, and contentment. 4 According to other studies, active compounds in sage can protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
Burning Around Sage's Advantages
Smudging, or burning sage, entails burning sage leaves and using the smoke to purify the air in your house. Burning sage has a completely different function than taking it internally.
Poor air quality has been attributed to a variety of health problems. Burning sage is used as a cost-effective way to better purify the environment in this way. Sage is believed to have antimicrobial effects, which aid in the killing of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Keep in mind that burning sage produces smoke, which can be harmful to those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory disorders.
Any herbal medicine practitioners claim that burning sage or taking it internally will aid in the release of harmful energy. Some people use sage cleaning sprays in their homes in addition to burning sage. Burning sage is thought to have the following benefits: • removing microbes from the air • repelling mosquitoes • improving intuition • purifying real items • improving mood and decreasing tension and anxiety
Sage Security is a company that specializes in providing
The US Food and Drug Administration has licensed sage for use as a spice or seasoning. The use of sage for health purposes is generally regarded as safe. 1 However, if you want to use sage internally, you can inform your doctor (just as you should with any complementary medicines you take).
Any sage species include thujone, a neurotoxin that can affect the nervous system. A lethal dosage of sage oil is considered to be twelve drops or more.
Restlessness, accelerated heart rate, vertigo, vomiting, kidney injury, epilepsy, and tremors are also possible side effects of long-term sage use.
When it comes to burning sage, it is normally safe to do so sub children and livestock. Simply be mindful of any potential breathing issues they may have. (They do not like the scent of burning sage.) Sage Burning Instructions
Although there is a paucity of facts to back up this activity, there are a few disadvantages of burning sage in your house. In terms of mental health methods, burning sage is comparatively inexpensive, and the value of doing anything different cannot be overstated.
Sage for Burning: Where to Find It
To begin burning sage, you'll need to first locate a supply of the herb. Sage for burning is available online, in health stores, or from a traditional healer or shaman.
You can also cultivate and dry your own sage for burning. Instead of digging the sage out by the roots, trim it. Do not cut the plant's stems until you are certain that it will survive itself and will not die if you do. Gather the sage in a packet, tie it, and hang it in a dry spot after cutting it. When you pinch it, it crackles, indicating that it is dry enough.
Traditional sage consumers assume that when burning sage, one's motives count, so they generally recommend buying sage from a reputable vendor. Purchase a pre-wrapped packet or stick of white sage as a beginner's best bet.
Step-by-Step Smudging
To start, you'll need a container to burn the sage in. There may be a cup to collect the ashes when the sage burns or an incense plate. A sage burner may also be purchased. Fill it up with sand or earth. Keep water on hand and don't use a flammable bottle.
• Before you start burning the sage, open a window or door. This causes the smoke to leave the building.
• Fill the burning jar with sage and light it. Allow it to burn for a few seconds before blowing it out to prevent it burning. If the smoke keeps coming out, try burning it again.
• Set an intention on what you're doing for the sage if you're using it for spiritual reasons. For instance, you might tell Allow today to be the day when things begin to improve.
• Join each room you want to purify by walking into it and letting the smoke in. Allowing too much smoke to cover a room is not a good idea. Avoid taking immediate inhalation of the smoke.
Verywell's Message
Burning sage has a long tradition which can be beneficial for beginning a spiritual activity or creating a life change. It might be beneficial if you're going through a transformation or want to start making some good improvements in your home or health.
Smoking sage, on the other hand, is impossible to benefit if you are suffering from serious mood disorders or psychiatric anxiety. In addition to engaging in a complementary wellness activity such as burning or drinking sage, it is vital to contact your doctor.
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